Tuesday, 25 January 2011

English Defence League

It was with a heavy heart that I read about the EDL protests in Shotton last week. The EDL are a single issue party who do not deserve the ink that is wasted on them. The proposed cultural centre in Shotton is potentially a good thing for the local community. It is NOT going to be used solely for Muslims, it will be open to people of all religions and for this the Flintshire Muslim Cultural Society should be given credit. I hope and pray that the people of Shotton are not taken in by the inflammortory rhetoric of the EDL, chants such as 'burn a poppy, burn a mosque' which were used and signs saying 'Stop the paedophile invasion of England' are not helpful and racist in their assumptions. There is nothing wrong with peaceful protest, in fact I welcome it if people feel aggrieved but shameful chants and bigotted banners have no place in civilised society.

If such behaviour wasnt so disgusting I would be amused by the fact that the irony is lost on the ENGLISH Defence League as they were actually in Wales.

Pete Williams
Lib Dem Welsh Assembly Candidate for Alyn & Deeside

Sunday, 16 January 2011


Well the last 2 months have been a roller coaster ride, since putting my name forward for consideration as a candidate I have been frantically reading emails, attending meetings and planning how the campaign will run.  Its now official, I was so proud to be nominated by the Flintshire Liberal Democrats last night and I hope I don't let people down.

The job of representing people at any level of government is a huge responsibility.  We are striving to be elected so we can serve the people and in that capacity we must hold ourselves to a higher standard.  I believe that people are disillusioned with politics, many people don't know who their representative is at any level or what these people do!  The politicians who are well know tend to be national figures who are far removed from what goes in Wales, never mind what goes on in Alyn and Deeside.  The other type of politician can be considered more infamous that ‘famous’, the recent by-election in Oldham highlights this - the fact that a sitting MP can use untruths to solidify his power base, and that members of all parties were implicated in the expenses scandal is a stark warning about how politics get its reputation.  I aim to change this, I want people to know me and to challenge me on local and Welsh issues.  If I cannot hear your concerns then we cannot move forward together, my email account is awaiting questions and when I knock on your door I want to speak to people!

I believe that the honour of nomination and hopefully representation puts a burden on myself to do what i think is right, however its a burden I welcome and embrace.  I am in this for Alyn and Deeside, and the pledge I make to the constituents is that all of my campaign will be honest and true.  Its a privilege to stand and I hope I get to meet all of you and to address your concerns.


Pete Williams
Welsh Liberal Democrat Prospective Assembly Candidate for Alyn & Deeside

Wel, mae'r ddau fis diwethaf wedi bod yn daith gynhyrfus ar y naw!  Ers cynnig fy hun fel ymgeisydd  ar eich rhan, rwyf wedi bod yn frysur  ateb e- byst, mynychu cyfarfodydd, a cheisio cynllunio natur fy ymgyrch. Bellach, mae'n swyddogol - rwyf yn hynod falch fy mod neithiwr wedi fy enwebu  fel cynrychiolydd y Democratiaid Rhyddrydol ar gyfer Sir y Fflint, ac hyderaf gallaf wneud fy ngorau ar eich rhan.
Mae cynrychioli'r cyhoedd  ar unrhyw lefel o fewn y llywodraeth yn anferth o gyfrifoldeb. Rydym yn ymgyrchu ac ymdrechu i wasanaethu'r cyhoedd, felly rhaid wastad anelu yn uchel. Credaf bod llawer o fobl wedi siomi â byd llywodraeth. Nid llawer s'yn adnabod eu cynrychiolwyr (ar unthyw lefel), heb son am ddeall am y gwaith a wnant drostynt! Tuedda'r gwleidyddion adnabyddus fod yn wynebau cyfarwydd cenedlaethol sy'n bell o'r hyn sy'n digwydd yng Nghymru...heb son am wybod am Alun a Glannau Dyfrdwy.
Y math arall o wleidydd yw'r hwn sydd yn enwog am resymau gwahanol; amlygwyd hyn yn yr is-etholiad diweddar yn Oldham - yno, cawsom rybudd clir am mor hawdd bardduir enw gwleidyddiaeth; gall gwleidydd ddefnyddio anwiredd fel sail i'w gais, ynghyd a'r ffaith bod goblygiadau ar ran aelodau'r amrywiol bleidiau parthed y sgandal gwariant. Fy mwriad yw gwrthdroi hyn. Rwyf eisiau i bobl fy adnabod a dangos parodrwydd i'm herio ar faterion lleol a Chymreig.  Oni glywaf eich pryderon, yna ni allem symud ymlaen gyda'n gilydd. Mae fy e -bost yn barod i dderbyn eich sylwadau, ac edrychaf ymlaen i siarad wyneb yn wyneb ar eich trothwy!
Credaf bod y fraint o enwebiad ac efallai maes o law cynrychiolaeth, yn enfawr  o gyfrifoldeb arnaf i wneud yr hyn credaf sydd yn 'iawn'. Fodd bynnag, mae'n gyfrifodeb rwy'n ei groesau â breichiau agored. Rhoddaf fy ngair i chi fy mod yn gwneud hyn oll er budd Alun a Glannau Dyfrdwy, a bydd fy ymgyrch yn un gonest a gwir.  Braint yw derbyn enwebiad, ac edrychaf ymlaen i gwrdd â chi oll ac mynd i'r afael a'ch pryderon. 
